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My final project for Intro to New Media
[One of my classmates][1] in Prof. Macek’s new media course requested I post a link to my final paper on my blog, so here you go: “[Captioning & accessible video on the Web][2]”.
I was also asked about whether or not any progress had been made towards a useful, automatic captioning system based on speech recognition.
I’m too sure about developments in this area, but I did find a short paper by Trmal, et al. describing [an automatic speech recognition–based system for captioning parliamentary meetings in the Czech Republic][3].
The system appears to be reasonably successful; however, the paper notes that captioning parliamentary sessions is, in some ways, unusually easy due to the carefully enforced rules of procedure which ensure that a speaker’s voice is generally unimpeded by the voices of others and by background noise.
[1]: http://iinteractive.blogspot.com/
[2]: http://jdrascher.students.noctrl.edu/final.html
[3]: http://www.kky.zcu.cz/en/publications/1/TrmalJan_2010_OnlineTVcaptioning.pdf
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